Data types
1 Oct, 2021

This tutorial covers the data types in GLSL ES and how to use them.
In GML, you can set variables to any value from tiny fractions to large integers to booleans without worrying about data types. However, in shaders you need to initialize what data type you are using for each variable, allowing shaders to be faster and more precise.


The first thing to learn about shader variables is the data types. You can use any of the following types:

  • float / vec: These are standard (floating-point) numbers that can be a fraction or decimal number, but it must contain a decimal point like: 2.0, 50., 1.57 or -95.0. You can also use scientific notation to write very large or small numbers. This can be written like: 2.0e3, 3e7 or 4.7e-4 which is shorter way to write: 2000.0 (2.0*10^3), 3000000.0 (3.0*10^7) or 0.00047 (4.7*10^-4).
  • int / ivec: Whole numbers or integers like 3, -8 or 400. Adding any decimal points to an int will cause an error. Hexadecimal numbers can be defined by putting "0x" at the start and for octal numbers just start with "0". For example: 0xFF, 017 are valid numbers.
  • bool / bvec: Boolean values which can only be: true or false.
  • mat Floating-point matrices. A mat2 contains 2 vec2s, mat3 contains 3 vec3s and mat4 contains 4 vec4s. More on this later.
  • sampler ID of a texture. GM only supports 2D textures (called a sampler2D), but GM does not support other type such as "samplerCube" for cubemaps. More on this in the next tutorial.
  • void No value at all. This is used in functions that don't return anything. More on this in the next tutorial.

Initializing variables

To declare your variables in code you must specify the type before the variable name and shader syntax requires a semi-colon at the end of the declaration:

//Floats must include a decimal point.
float A = 5.0;
//You can declare the variable to set later:
//Integers must exclude a decimal point.
int B;
//Bools are either true or false.
bool C = false,
//"D" is also a bool because of the comma after the "C" definition.
D = true;

As you can see with the integer case, you can initialize a variable's type without setting a value. This is like local variables in GM (e.g. var i = 0). Also, you can use commas instead of semicolons when defining multiple variables of the same data type. This is shown with bool "D".

Casting between data types

Sometimes you need to convert from one data type to another and this is called "casting". To cast a value you use the replacement data type as function with the value you want to convert as the argument. Here's a quick example:

//Cast an int to a float.
float A = float(5);
//Cast a bool to an int (false = 0, true = 1).
int B = int(true);

Dimensions and components

Unlike in GML, some shader variables can contain up to 4 values at once and these values are called "components" of the variable. Vectors make it much easier to do math with 2,3 or 4 dimensions. If you want to add two vectors together you can do so with a single operation, like you would with any other variable (which will be very useful later).
So floats, vec2s, vec3s and vec4s are all floating-point numbers, so a float has 1 component while vec4 has 4. To set a vector with you use a function called a constructor which is just like a caster but can have multiple components separated by commas. Here's how it looks to initialize different variable types:

//1D scalar with a value of 1.0. Scalars don't need constructors.
float line = 1.0;
//Construct a 2D integer vector containing 1 and 2 respectively.
ivec2 square = ivec2(1, 2);
//You can include floats as components:
//Construct a 3D vector containing 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 respectively.
vec3 cube = vec3(line, 2.0, 3.0);
//You can also include vectors:
//Construct a 4D vector containing 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 respectively.
vec4 tess = vec4(cube, 4.0);

You can also do the same with integers by using int, ivec2, ivec3, and ivec4. As you may have guessed, you can do the same with Booleans (bool, bvec2, bvec3, and bvec4), but they aren't used as often.

Swizzle notation

So you now know how to cast data types and construct vectors, but to extract components from vectors you need to know about "swizzle notation". There are two ways to access components.

  • Array notation: works with vectors like arrays in GML. So with a vec4, you can put a pair of square brackets with the component "index" being an integer ranging from 0-3. So vector[2] will extract the third component from "vector". It's helpful to understand this before learning "dotted notation".
  • Dotted notation: can be used to access multiple components (as a new vector) at the same time. To access a component from a vector you just put a dot directly behind the vector with the component(s) that you want to access. The components can be represented as either "xyzw", "rgba", or "stpq". These all work the same, but the general guide is that xyzw is used for positions or points in space, rgba is used for red, green, blue and alpha "channels" and stpq is meant for texture coordinates. Notice the order of each set. x, r or s will always represent the first component, y, g or t represents the second component, z, b or p, the third and w, a or q the fourth.

Dotted Notation is more widely used because it can be used to access floats or vectors whereas array notation only accesses floats. Here's an example to show both methods:

//Construct a vec4 from ints for example.
vec4 A = vec4(0, 1, 2, 3);
//Get the first component of "A", 0.0.
float B = A.x;
//Get the second component of "A", 1.0.
float C = A[1];
//Reverse the component order of "A", vec4(3, 2, 1, 0).
vec4 D = A.abgr;
//This also works for setting vectors:
//Set the first two component to the last two components, vec2(2, 3). = A.pq;

It's important to tell you, you CANNOT mix components from one set with another. So you can pick between xyzw, rgba or stpq, but you can't do something like xyrg because this will cause an error.


Matrices are a special data type that contain more components than their vector equivalents. It helps to think of matrices as tables with either 2, 3 or 4 rows and columns, so a mat2 contains 2 vec2s (2x2 or 4 components), a mat3 contains 3 vec3s (3x3 or 9 components) and a mat4 contains 4 vec4s (4x4 or 16 components).
They can be initialized like so:

//Set the first and second columns with vec2s.
mat2 rotate = mat2(vec2(0.6,0.8), vec2(-0.8,0.6));
//Get the vec2 from the second column which is vec2(-0.8,0.6).
vec2 y_dot = rotate[1];

//And here are some mat3 examples:
//Alternatively, you can set all components individually.
mat3 rotate2 = mat3(0.6, 0.8, 0.0, -0.8, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//Get the first column, second row component which is 0.8
float y_z = rotate2[0][1];

Matrices can be used to scale, rotate or skew vectors simple by multiplying a vector by a matrix. Matrix multiplication is non-commutative, meaning that the result can be different depending on the order of multiplication. You can learn more on this in the next tutorial, but for now you just need to know it's used to "transform" vectors.

Storage Qualifiers

"Storage qualifiers" control how you want your variable is handled. This can be used to receive vertex information, receive values from GML and more! These are the storage qualifiers and how they are used:

  • const: Constant/unchanging variable. Must be initialized once to a "constant" value and it cannot be redefined again. Every number you type in a shader is a constant however using functions (more in the next tutorial) or any operations including non-constants will result in a non-constant.
  • attribute: Read-only vertex input information which can only be accessed in the vertex shader. This can be vertex position, color, texture coordinates or even normals. All of GM's built-in attributes can be found in the glossary!
  • varying: Variables that get sent from the vertex shader to the fragment shader. These variables' values get blended across the pixels between the vertices. So halfway between a red vertex and blue vertex is purple.
  • uniform: Read-only variables which are set from GML and received in either the fragment shader or vertex shader.


Variables can be grouped:

  • array: A list of values in a single variable. They are similar to array notation, but instead of dealing with components, it's scalars or vectors. Because it is not limited by components, you can have an array of any constant size.
  • //Initialize a integer array with 5 slots.
    ivec2 array[4];
    //Set the 2 index value as a ivec2.
    array[2] = ivec2(2,4);
  • struct: A structure or group of of the other data types in a single variable. It's a bit like how in GM, objects have many properties like x, y, sprite_index, etc, but with structures, you can use any data types.
  • //Initialize structure format.
    struct sample
        vec2 uv;
        sampler2D tex;
    //Set create a "sample" structure.
    sample pixel = sample(v_vTexcoord,gm_BaseTexture);
    //Get pixel's uvs.
    vec2 pix_uv = pixel.uv;
    //Set pixel's texture to "uni_diffuse".
    pixel.tex = uni_diffuse;

Precision Qualifiers

Lastly, there are precision qualifiers, which can control the range and quality of variables. Modern hardware may use a higher precision than you specify, but precision qualifiers set the minimum acceptable precision (if the hardware supports it). This isn't used often, but it can be useful with cross-platform shaders. These are the three precision types:

  • lowp: Float's range goes up to 2 (positive and negative) with a precision of 1/256.
    Integers can range up to 256 (including positive and negative).
    Lowp floats are adequate for colors, but may not be precise enough for other purposes.
  • mediump: Float's range goes up to 16,384 with a precision of 1/1,024.
    Integers can range up to 1,024.
    Mediump floats are usually adequate for texture coordinates and normals.
  • highp Float's range goes up to ‭4,611,686,018,427,387,904! with a precision of 1/65536.
    Integers can range up to 65536.
    Highp floats are best used for positions.
Also, the keyword "precision" can be used to set the default precision for when a particular data type is used, but not specified. Here's an example:

//Set the default float precision to highp.
precision highp float;
//Set the default integer precision to lowp.
precision lowp int;

//Set the color at low precision.
lowp vec3 color = vec3(0.2, 0.4, 0.8);


Great job! You've learned about all the different data types and what they store. You've learned how to handle multi-dimensional variables (vectors) and their components. You now know how to access shader inputs (attributes, varyings, uniforms) and how to use constants, data groups (arrays and structs) and precision. This lays the framework necessary to understand functions and logic which is covered in the next tutorial. For now, pat yourself on the back and take a break if you need it!